Absorb - A primary stat. Incoming damage to an Entity is reduced by the Absorb stat. Example: a Hit of 50 damage will be lowered by 20% absorb to 30 damage.
AP - Action Points. Upon reaching at least 100 AP, an Entity can take a Turn. An Entity may not have more than 200 AP.
Max Block - A primary stat. After Absorb is applies, Block can prevent damage equal to at most Max Block. The Block roll is random, it is Lucky against Hits, and Unlucky against Damage Over Time.
Chill - A Duration Effect which removes AP. The default Chill activate chance is 20%.
Damage Over Time - A Duration Effect which inflicts damage upon activation. Damage can be Absorbed and Blocked, with Block rolls being Unlucky.
Energy - A primary stat. When the world advances a Tick, every Entity gains AP equal to their Energy. Higher quanities of Energy allow for more frequent Turns.
Free Action - An action that can be performed during a Turn without counting toward the Turn. Free Actions are limited to Player Characters. Free Actions include picking up or dropping Items, equipping or unequipping Gems, and combining Potions and Gems.
Gem - An equippable item for Player Characters. Gems come ih different levels and improve one primary stat at a time. Two gems of the same type and level can be combined into one of the next. Equipping, unequipping, or combining gems count as a Free Action.
Hit - An instant application of damage to a target. Damage can be Absorbed and Blocked, with Block rolls being Lucky.
HP - Hit Points. Upon running out of HP, an Entity will die and be replaced by a Corpse. HP can be recovered by healing Skills and for Player Characters by Potions.
Ignite - A Duration Effect inflicting Damage Over time. The default Ignite activate chance is 5%.
Item - An object that takes up Inventory space. Picking up, dropping, equipping, unequipping, and combining Items is a Free Action. Using an Item is a Turn Action. Potions, Upgrade Orbs, and Scrolls can be used. Potions and Gems can be combined.
Lucky - Roll a number twice and take the better result.
Move Action - A component of a Turn. An Entity can move a distance based on their Speed.
Player Character - One of the Entities chosen by the player when creating a new game. A party can consist of up to five Player Characters. All Player Characters have access to the same shared Inventory.
Potion - An Item that can recover a Player Character's HP. Two of the same type may be combined into one of the next tier up. Using a Potion counts as a Turn Action. Combining two potions together counts as a Free Action.
Power - A primary stat. Governs the strength of many Skills, primarily in the form of damage.
Power Multiplier - A Multiplier for Power. Often used in Skills to determine a number based on the user's Power stat. Example: a Power Multiplier of 300% with a Power of 6 will result in an 18.
Repeat Chance - A stat for some skills. Skills with a repeat chance will always occur at least once. After each occurrence, there will be a percent change for the skill to occur again. While technically possible to have 100 occurrences, the odds of this are astronomically low.
Skill - An ability. Player Skills can be Upgraded.
Scroll - An Item that allows for limited usage of a Skill. Scrolls come with a random number of Upgrades applied to the Skill. Only some Skills can be found on Scrolls.
Speed - A primary stat. The number of squares an Entity can move along orthogonally in a single Move Action. Diagonal movement requires 1.5 Speed.
Tick - The basic unit of time in Kill Vilzin. When no one has enough AP for a Turn, the world advances a Tick. At this point, all Entities gain AP equal to their Energy, and all Duration Effects have a chance to activate.
Turn - What an Entity can take once they reach 100 AP or more. A Turn consists of an optional Move Action and an optional Turn Action.
Turn Action - The primary component of a Turn. Using a Skill or an Item counts as a Turn Action. After completing the Turn Action, an Entity cannot do anything else on their Turn. Can be converted into a second Move Action.
Unlucky - Roll a number twice and take the worse result.