Kill Vilzin
Kill Vilzin is an upcoming roguelike made in python with tcod. The game asks players to lead a party of 1-5 adventurers into the dungeon and defeat the evil wizard Vilzin (she's very evil).
Planned Features
- Game Over Screen
- Victory Screen
- ASCII Mode
- Mouse Input
- Multiple Save Files
- More monsters and player abilities
- More than one corpse type (prevent resurrection of constructs)
- Inspect monsters to see details of their abilities
- Preview of summons' abilities when summoning
- Inspect items (scrolls) remotely
- Scroll through the turn order list
- More settings for animation speed
- Code refactor, code refactor, code refactor....
Possible Features
- Damage / Healing Over Time
- Replay Mode
- Composable Actions
- Music
- Achievements
- Improvements to placing multiple totems
- Bosses